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Roof overhang, Private home, Roermond, NL


The Roer rises in Belgium, but flows largely through Germany. At the Roermond, centrally located in Limburg, the Roer connects to the river Meuse.

Here, in this region that is as green as it is water-rich, a detached house has been fitted with unique louvers. By Sunshield. A veranda has been created with slats, under the spacious overhang on the first floor.

Two trapezoidal louver systems have been placed on the rear façade. The porch is completed with rectangles on the sides. The two trapezoids are operated wirelessly. The slats of the side systems are in a fixed position.

The residents here have opted for the 145-E louver. A slat with a convex front and a width of 145 mm. The bigger brother of the 75-E so to speak.

The aluminium parts are finished in signal black – RAL 9004. The plastic parts are black.

Related projects

Triangles, 150E, Studio MBC, Villa, Reeuwijk, NL

Triangles, 150E, Studio MBC, Villa, Reeuwijk, NL

Veldman Zonwering, Dune House, Terschelling, NL

Veldman Zonwering, Dune House, Terschelling, NL

Rectangle/triangle, 96E, Villa, Maassluis, NL

Rectangle/triangle, 96E, Villa, Maassluis, NL


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  • Flexibel für jedes Design, jede Situation und Form.

  • Einfach zu reinigen und niedrige Wartungskosten.

  • Stilvolle und architektonische Ausstrahlung.


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* = Pflichtfeld