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Rectangle/triangle, 150-E, Villa, Breda, NL


South of Breda lies the Mastbos, the oldest planted forest in the Netherlands. It gets its name from the mast trees; Scots pines.

In this idyllic setting a rustic villa is fitted with unique louvers. By Sunshield.

The bedroom at the front has a large window. The window starts at the bottom  rectangular. Halfway through, the shape changes into a triangle.

The residents have opted for the 150-E blade for this louver system. As the name indicates, this louver has a width of 150 mm and a see-through of no less than 140 mm.

Sunshield louver systems are usually built into a recess. When this is not possible, the system is finished with sheet metal along the straight sides. As is done with this project.

The aluminum parts, including the flashing along the sides, are coated in RAL 7039, quartz gray. And with a gloss level of 30% - matte.

The plastic parts are, just like the frames of the bedroom window, finished in black.

The surface of the slat system is approximately 15 m2. Opening and closing, or adjusting it to any desired intermediate position, is easy with a remote control.

Copyright photographs; The Art of Living magazine, Jaro van Meerten.

Dit project is gerealiseerd in samenwerking met

Vermeer Architecten

Related projects

Triangles, 150E, Studio MBC, Villa, Reeuwijk, NL

Triangles, 150E, Studio MBC, Villa, Reeuwijk, NL

Veldman Zonwering, Dune House, Terschelling, NL

Veldman Zonwering, Dune House, Terschelling, NL

Rectangle/triangle, 96E, Villa, Maassluis, NL

Rectangle/triangle, 96E, Villa, Maassluis, NL


Die Vorteile von Sunshield’s Maßarbeit sind:

  • Der effektivste Sonnenschutz und Tageslichtverwaltung.

  • Ein sehr robustes und zuverlässiges System mit einer langen Lebensdauer.

  • Flexibel für jedes Design, jede Situation und Form.

  • Einfach zu reinigen und niedrige Wartungskosten.

  • Stilvolle und architektonische Ausstrahlung.


 Lassen Sie uns Kontakt mit  Ihnen aufnehmen um Ihre Situation, Wünsche und Bedürfnisse zu analysieren und um Sie über die Möglichkeiten die Sunshield Ihnen zu bieten hat, zu informieren.


* = Pflichtfeld