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Garden House, 75E, Ancona, IT


A garden house in Ancona, has been equipped with two roof lights. Ancona is located in the beautiful Marche region in central Italy at the Adriatic sea, spoiled by lots of sun.

This project is realised in collaboration with Merlo, one of Sunshields business partners. Merlo selected the 75E louver for these roof lights. The aluminium parts are coated in RAL 9010 – pure white. The clips are white too.

The louvers cover an area of almost 42 m2. Because of the position of the garden house towards the sun, both sides of the roof have the same the closing direction.

For the convenience of the client, the roof light is divided in four parts, each part is operated by its own motor. All four motors are controlled with the same remote control.

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Triangles, 150E, Studio MBC, Villa, Reeuwijk, NL

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  • Stilvolle und architektonische Ausstrahlung.


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* = Pflichtfeld