Zurück zur Übersicht

Multiple shapes, 96E, Private home, Stolwijk, NL


Stolwijk is a village in the municipality of Krimpenerwaard, enclosed by the rivers Hollandse IJssel, Lek and Vlist.

In this village in South Holland, the windows of a beautiful house are fitted with louver systems. By Sunshield.

These two windows are almost next to each other. The left slat system starts at the bottom as a rectangle and ends at the top with a sloping side.

The sun protection for the right window is completely triangular in shape. Both systems are operated independently of each other.

The residents have opted for the 96-E slat, a nice sleek blade with a width of 96 mm. The step size of 90 mm offers an excellent view.

Usually Sunshield louver systems are built into a recess. They then disappear nicely into the facade.

Sometimes that is not possible. Like here. The solution? Finishing with sheet metal. Like here with the straight sides.

The aluminum components are coated in RAL 7016, anthracite grey, with a gloss level of 30%. The plastic parts are black.

Related projects

Triangles, 150E, Studio MBC, Villa, Reeuwijk, NL

Triangles, 150E, Studio MBC, Villa, Reeuwijk, NL

Veldman Zonwering, Dune House, Terschelling, NL

Veldman Zonwering, Dune House, Terschelling, NL

Rectangle/triangle, 96E, Villa, Maassluis, NL

Rectangle/triangle, 96E, Villa, Maassluis, NL


Die Vorteile von Sunshield’s Maßarbeit sind:

  • Der effektivste Sonnenschutz und Tageslichtverwaltung.

  • Ein sehr robustes und zuverlässiges System mit einer langen Lebensdauer.

  • Flexibel für jedes Design, jede Situation und Form.

  • Einfach zu reinigen und niedrige Wartungskosten.

  • Stilvolle und architektonische Ausstrahlung.


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* = Pflichtfeld