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Multiple shapes, Van der Horst Aannemers, Maashorst, NL


Maashorst (NL) is a young Brabant municipality that emerged from a fusion of six centres. The name is taken from the nearby nature reserve where hikers and cyclists like to spot wild grazers.

Here is a modern country house fitted with unique louvers. By Sunshield, in collaboration with Van der Horst Aannemers.

Two right-angled triangles have been placed on the window on the right facade, each of which is individually operated with a remote control. Together these triangles form a large isosceles triangle with a base of more than 12 meters that shields the entire apex.

On the left side of the villa, two slat systems have been placed. First, a polygon that resembles a triangle but with the point placed slightly inward. This louver system is also operated wirelessly. A great example that Sunshield offers movable louvers in any shape.

Next to the polygon, a triangular slat system has been placed. The louvers of this shading system are placed at a fixed angle of 45 degrees when installed. The slats remain in this angle.

To complete the aesthetic look, the louver systems on the gable ends are connected to each other. For this purpose, the side walls are equipped with systems with only two blades. A nice example of architectural design with louvers.

The residents have opted for the 150-E louver for all systems, a slat with a width of 150 mm. When the slats are fully open, the view between the slats is 14 centimetres.

The aluminium parts are in RAL 9011, graphite black. A fine structure is mixed into the coating powder, resulting in a visible and tactile relief that further enhances the exclusive appearance. The plastic components are also in black.

This project is created in collaboration with

Van der Horst Contractors

Related projects

Triangles, 150E, Studio MBC, Villa, Reeuwijk, NL

Triangles, 150E, Studio MBC, Villa, Reeuwijk, NL

Veldman Zonwering, Dune House, Terschelling, NL

Veldman Zonwering, Dune House, Terschelling, NL

Rectangle/triangle, 96E, Villa, Maassluis, NL

Rectangle/triangle, 96E, Villa, Maassluis, NL


Die Vorteile von Sunshield’s Maßarbeit sind:

  • Der effektivste Sonnenschutz und Tageslichtverwaltung.

  • Ein sehr robustes und zuverlässiges System mit einer langen Lebensdauer.

  • Flexibel für jedes Design, jede Situation und Form.

  • Einfach zu reinigen und niedrige Wartungskosten.

  • Stilvolle und architektonische Ausstrahlung.


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* = Pflichtfeld