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Rectangle/triangle, 96E, Villa, Maassluis, NL


First city on the Waterway, Tugboat Harbour City of the Netherlands and Sydney on the Waterway, Maassluis has no shortage of nicknames. Also great to get a breath of fresh air, on foot or by bike.

Here, a villa is fitted with unique louvers, by Sunshield. This elegant residence was built to a design by Bongers Architects, who included the louvers in the specifications.

The large window of the master bedroom at the rear is fitted with horizontal, tiltable louvers that follow the contours of the charming overhang.

The louver system starts at the base as a rectangle. Halfway up, the shape changes into a triangle, the point of which ends in the ridge of the roof. Opening and closing is done via home automation.

The residents opted for the 96-E louver, a louver with a width of 96 mm. When the louvers are fully open, the view between the louvers is 9 centimetres.

The aluminium parts are coated in RAL 9004. Due to the gloss level of 30%, the signal black colour has a matt appearance. This is reinforced by the fine structure.

This gives the coating a tactile and visible relief, which further increases the exclusivity. The plastic parts, such as the clips that hold the slats, are black.

Related projects

Triangles, 150E, Studio MBC, Villa, Reeuwijk, NL

Triangles, 150E, Studio MBC, Villa, Reeuwijk, NL

Veldman Zonwering, Dune House, Terschelling, NL

Veldman Zonwering, Dune House, Terschelling, NL

Triangles, 153W, Bouwbedrijf Houtman, Villa, Maassluis, NL

Triangles, 153W, Bouwbedrijf Houtman, Villa, Maassluis, NL


Die Vorteile von Sunshield’s Maßarbeit sind:

  • Der effektivste Sonnenschutz und Tageslichtverwaltung.

  • Ein sehr robustes und zuverlässiges System mit einer langen Lebensdauer.

  • Flexibel für jedes Design, jede Situation und Form.

  • Einfach zu reinigen und niedrige Wartungskosten.

  • Stilvolle und architektonische Ausstrahlung.


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* = Pflichtfeld