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Triangle, 155E Louver, Rotterdam, NL


The Rotte originates in the South Holland part of the Groene Hart. It is this peat river that gives the city of Rotterdam its name.

Here, a house has been fitted with unique louvers. By Sunshield, commissioned by Rotterdam-based construction company Ermax Bouw.

What makes this project even more unique than usual is that the louver systems are not mounted directly on the building, but on trusses. As a result, the sun protection is slightly removed from the wall.

Two louver systems have been placed on this. The pentagon on the front facade is almost 1 metre high on the left, 5 metres in the middle and over 2.20 metres on the right. The total surface area is no less than 30 m2.

A second louver system is located on the left side facade. This is rectangular in shape, has a width of 4.20 metres and a height of almost 1 metre.

The systems are operated remotely. Users can easily open and close the louvers using a remote control. Or at any desired position in between, which is infinitely variable.

When determining the slat, the residents ultimately opted for the louver type 155-E. This is an aluminium slat with a width of 155 mm.

The profile of the 155-E is not completely flat, but shows a depression at the top. As a result, the slats not only overlap, but also interlock.

The slats of this residence are finished in RAL 7016, anthracite grey. The other aluminium parts are coated in RAL 7021, black-grey.

Both coatings are finished with a gloss level of 70%, also called high-gloss. The plastic parts, such as the clips that hold the slats, are black.

This project is created in collaboration with

Ermax Bouw

Related projects

Triangles, 150E, Studio MBC, Villa, Reeuwijk, NL

Triangles, 150E, Studio MBC, Villa, Reeuwijk, NL

Veldman Zonwering, Dune House, Terschelling, NL

Veldman Zonwering, Dune House, Terschelling, NL

Rectangle/triangle, 96E, Villa, Maassluis, NL

Rectangle/triangle, 96E, Villa, Maassluis, NL

De voordelen van Sunshield's maatwerkoplossingen zijn: 
  • De meest effectieve zonwering en daglicht beheer.
  • Een zeer robuust en betrouwbaar systeem met een lange levensduur.
  • Flexibel voor elk ontwerp, situatie en vorm.
  • Eenvoudig te reinigen en lage onderhoudskosten.
  • Stijlvolle en architectonische uitstraling.


Laat ons contact met u opnemen om uw situatie, wensen en behoeften te analyseren en om u te informeren over de mogelijkheden die Sunshield u te bieden heeft.

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* = Verplicht veld